How can tertiary organisations be more inclusive?

The tertiary education icon and inclusive icon.

There are things tertiary education organisations can do to be more inclusive.

Tertiary education organisations can make sure disabled learners have equal chances to:

A person sitting at a desk and writing and a Goals document.

  • work towards their learning goals

A woman in a classroom.

  • take part in the tertiary education system.

A man and a woman shaking hands with their other hand on their heart.

Tertiary education organisations can make sure disabled learners are treated with respect.

A tertiary education icon next to a student and professor shaking hands.

They can do this by building strong relationships with disabled learners.

A policy document, a support icon, and a disability icon.

And tertiary education organisations can support disabled learners with their policies.

An arrow pointing upwards and the inclusive icon.

They can also make learning more inclusive.

For example, they can think about what disabled learners need to take part in a course.

A professor in a wheelchair teaching a class.

Tertiary education organisations can train their staff to meet the needs of disabled workers.

They can make a safe space for disabled learners to:

A woman with disability pointing to herself, a laptop, a volume icon, and an Easy Read document.

  • share what they need to learn

2 people talking with speech bubbles and exclamation points above them.

  • take part in solving problems

A woman pointing to herself, a speech bubble and an exclamation point.

  • speak up when something happens to them.